“I’m Struggling”


It’s no surprise that due to the cost of living, the continuing conflict in Ukraine and delayed mental health reactions to covid, that some employees are struggling with their mental health. This will no doubt be affecting their performance in work.  A number of our clients have recently asked for our advice on this. 

Here are our recommendations:

– Talk to your employee if you’re noticing signs of underperformance which isn’t usual or their absences have increased. Ask if they are experiencing any issues at home that they may need support with.

– Give it time, there isn’t a time frame for mental health issues improving and it may come and go on a regular basis. 

– Be clear on the work expectations of the employee but allow for a margin of error or underperformance. Meet with them on a regular basis.  If the situation becomes untenable for the organisation, please contact us for advice.

– Look at using MIND’s Wellness Action Plans:

Wellness Action Plan Sign Up – Mind

Wellness Actions Plans are an easy and practical way of helping employees with their mental health at work and for managers to support the mental health of their team members.

They also have these guides:

Guide for people working in a workplace

Guide for people working remotely

Guide for people who are hybrid working

We have used these action plans for many years and receive great feedback on them.

Also, for complex issues, consider paying for private counselling.  The NHS have long waiting times and if you have the budget, 6 private sessions will cost approx. £330. In return, as well as supporting your employee, their performance will improve more speedily than if the employee waits for NHS counselling.  

If you have any concerns or issues you’d like to discuss, please get in touch.


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